Des Moines Physician Austin Baeth Declares Candidacy for Iowa House District 36

Des Moines physician and public health advocate Austin Baeth is joining the Democratic primary race to represent Iowa House District 36.
Following years of advocacy for public health and in the wake of a pandemic that has claimed the lives of over 8,000 Iowans, Dr. Austin Baeth says he’s had enough of the GOP’s divisive rhetoric and failed policy.
“The world is watching the Iowa GOP threaten our public educators with felonies and divide our communities with scare tactics, all while passing cookie-cutter legislation from out-of-state lobbyists,” said Baeth. “Iowa is so much better than this.”
Restoring Iowa's reputation
Baeth said his reason for running is to help restore Iowa’s reputation and to advocate for his patients who often share stories about how the system isn’t working for them.
“We need to come together in a way that doesn’t leave people behind,” said Baeth. “When we let social media, talk-show hosts or political agendas mislead and divide us, we risk losing who we are as Iowans.”
Baeth said his plan to bring Iowans together includes advocating for policy that centers on fully funding education, addressing inadequate healthcare access in the state, and bringing an Iowan approach to combating the climate crisis.
“The folks I’m talking with don’t want more division,” said Baeth. “They want to have a good-paying job, affordable healthcare, and fully funded public schools for their kids. That’s not too much to ask from our legislature.”
Election day for the Democratic primary is set for June 7, 2022.